From the Parish Council – December 2024
New Councillor- SPC are pleased to welcome Jacqueline Mainwaring-Taylor onto the Parish Council.
54 Bus – We have written to NYC to request that the 54 bus can pick up Scruton residents at stops to/from the route between Northallerton & Scruton, particularly by the Doctor’s surgery. We will keep you informed of the progress.
Drains – We have been made aware that some drains and gulleys are blocked, causing flooding when it rains. NYC are changing the reporting portal on their website; if you wish to report a specific blocked drain, please inform the Parish Clerk, we will then raise it with NYC. You can also email NYC directly at: The more reports, the better the chance of the problem being rectified.
Potholes – Complaints about potholes (and other road issues) can be reported to; please also notify SPC. To accurately report which drain is blocked or the location of the pothole we would ask that you use the ‘What3words’ app, which locates positions to within 3 metres.
Village Green – Thanks to Kevin Procter for clearing leaves from the village green prior to the Remembrance Day Service.
Scruton Village WhatsApp Group – proved very useful during the recent power cut, for delivering straightforward essential information about situations affecting all villagers. If you haven’t already joined, please consider doing so. Contact Janet Crampton for details. The power cut also highlighted a practical need for more personal communication with those not on WhatsApp; any other suggestions would be welcomed.
RAF – Many of you will have noticed that there has been an increase of aircraft flying over the Village, we are told this is due to the orientation of the new runway