From the Parish Council – January 2025

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Blocked Drains – we raised this with NYC. It may have been a coincidence but a few days later, the roads were swept, and the drains were unblocked. If you notice that any drains become blocked again, please inform the Parish Clerk of the location (if possible, include the What Three Words App to pinpoint the location) so that we can get NYC to clear the blockage.

The new Solar Developer, Ampyr, is invited to speak at the next PC meeting on Thursday 9 January 2025. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and all are welcome to attend. We would like you to attend so that you all know exactly what is happening and no misunderstanding or false rumours circulate. If you only wish to stay for the solar presentation that is fine. We hope to see you there.

Battery Storage Facility – You may have heard that another developer is interested in creating a large battery storage facility on the northern side of Fence Dike Lane, adjacent to the sub-station; this is a separate application to Ampyr. SPC are opposed to this as it is contrary to the NYC Local Planning Policy of using quality agricultural land for industrial purposes.