This website is here to provide useful, up-to-date local information for residents and visitors about the parish and village of Scruton in North Yorkshire.

Here you'll find information about the village and documents from Scruton Parish Council, as well as an events calendar, lists of local amenities and services, history and heritage and  links to other local websites.

If you have any information on events, clubs or local services that you'd like to see featured here, or want to let us know of any outdated information, please email us the details, stories and pictures using the contact page, where you can also choose to contact the parish clerk.

Screen Scruton News

18th October 2024

Sadly, it has been decided to suspend film shows for the 2024/25 season.

From the Parish Council – October 2024

18th October 2024

Parish Precept, Village Green, Salt/Grit Bins, Vacancy

Keep in touch via Network Scruton!

Now, more than ever, its important to stay in touch with what’s happening in and around the village; how people and local businesses are adapting to new restrictions and what help or support is available in the community.

The best way to do this is to ensure you are subscribed to Network Scruton. You can do this on the village web site home page. You only need give your name and email address, it’s that easy!

And don’t forget, you will also need to re-subscribe if your email has changed.

Join Network Scruton