About Network Scruton

What is it?

‘Network Scruton’ will ‘push’ emails out to anyone who subscribes on the village website. The service is supported by Scruton Parish Council [although please note that SPC will not be responsible for the content].

What messages?

We envisage that emails will be sent out about specific issues, events or information that will be of interest to Scruton residents. For example in the next round of consultation about mineral extraction, SPC may circulate useful information about the proposals and how best to respond etc. Similarly, any individual or village organization may ask for information to be circulated to everyone, ‘on their behalf’.

What will it not be?

We do not intend to use the service for advertising or any other commercial purposes. Your contact information will be data protected and you will not be bombarded with marketing material.

Who will run it?

The service will be operated by a small group of volunteers with technical support from Richard Zealley (Rezolve Ltd. www.rezolve.co.uk).

Why is this better than simply forwarding an email to everyone in my address book?

It’s not really a good idea to copy/forward emails to a large number of addresses; it can sometimes look like spam to email servers and the personal contact details of recipients are not protected. The advantage of Network Scruton is that the list of email subscribers will be properly managed and kept up to date. For any given message, a single email is sent to each subscriber.

How do I subscribe?

Simply enter you name and email address in the “Join Network Scruton” box on the right.

Hint – if/when you do subscribe, take the opportunity to have a good look round the village web site; it’s full of useful information and if you spot anything that needs updating please let one of the volunteers know via the “contact page” (scruton.net/contact-us). By the way, the contact page is also where you will be able to submit any message that you wish to be circulated via Network Scruton (click on “choose a department” and select “Network Scruton”).

What if I don’t want it?

We realise of course that not everyone will wish to receive communications in this way and there will be an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every email. This service will not replace the Village Newsletter and the Parish Council would like to assure everyone that this will continue to be distributed in paper form as usual.

And finally – Not everyone of course will have the necessary internet access (or even interest) but we’re hoping that, in a spirit of good neighbourliness, people will take it upon themselves to pass on any important messages to their neighbours who for whatever reason may not have online access.

If you have any other queries, please contact Stephen Elmer using the Network Scruton department on the Contact Us page.


Join Network Scruton

* indicates required

When you register, an email will be sent to you (within a few minutes) to verify your address and your registration will be complete when you reply – this is one of the safeguards to avoid improper use of the service.

Initially, we send emails to everyone who has previously registered their details on the web site; by the time this newsletter is circulated, a Welcome message should have been sent to about 85 names.