D-Day 80th Anniversary

D-Day 80th Anniversary

The largest Naval, Air & Land operation in history began at dawn on 6 June 1944. It changed the course of world history, and its impact cannot be underestimated or forgotten. The 80th anniversary will be commemorated in Scruton:

Wednesday 5 June

Screen Scruton – will show the classic film ‘The Longest Day’ at 7pm in the village hall (doors open 6:30 pm).

Thursday 6 June

St Radegund’s Church – Bells will be rung at 12 noon.

Coffee Morning Team – will provide afternoon Coffee, Cake & Concert Party (‘3Cs’) in the village hall from 2 – 4pm.

SPC – will organise a Service at 8:45 pm followed by National Beacon Lighting at 9:15 pm on Scruton Playing Field.

Any money raised will be donated to Walking with the Wounded. More details to follow via Network Scruton.


Jun 06 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm