Scruton Parish Council

Virtual Parish Council Meeting – February 2021

The Parish Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Thursday 25th February @ 7.30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 336 244 2931
Passcode: 3KQF9u

Amongst the items being discussed is the result of the survey of villagers on the Solar Farm Proposals. Please see report below.


Firstly, can SPC start by thanking everybody who took the time to complete the solar farm questionnaire, the results of which were as follows: –

  • In favour of the solar farm            69
  • Against the solar farm                118
  • Undecided                                    17
  • Other                                              5
  • Total opinions received               209

This has now given SPC a clear picture of the feeling of the village and it will convey this to Lightrock as part of the consultation process.

In addition, there were a large number of strong and well-reasoned comments contained in the responses, both for and against the scheme.  These have been noted and will be extremely useful and will play an important part in the on-going consultations with Lightrock. Form the detail and length of some of these responses it is clear the many people feel very passionately about their responses.

SPC is very much aware that whether or not the scheme will progress is primarily in the hands of the Hambleton District Council Planning Department and that no matter how many objections to it are lodged the proposal might still go ahead.

For that reason SPC will be working closely with Lightrock over the coming days and weeks to ensure that the best possible outcome will be achieved if the scheme does indeed find favour with the planners.

SPC has, initially, identified nine key points which will form the basis of discussion.

  1. Insufficient information provided on boundary lines
  2. Insufficient information supplied on screening detail and illustrations of pannels
  3. Further detail on traffic volume and contingency if roads closed (flooding).
  4. Noise, lighting and disturbance during the construction period
  5. Future security issues resulting from the site’s close proximity to Scruton village
  6. Benefits to the Parish?
  7. The cumulative impact of the scheme allowing Leeming Industrial estate to encroach towards Scruton
  8. Complexity and uncertainty over which company will be responsible for ensuring terms and conditions are complied with once the sight is up and running.
  9. The veracity of the information contained in the Lightrock publicity pamphlets.

Parishioners will be kept informed of all developments as the consultation progresses; however, in the meantime please do contact any of the SPC members if you wish to raise any further points.



Feb 25 2021


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm




Chris Barron