From the Parish Council – march 2024
New Cherry Tree – We thank Tony Hoare for donating the replacement ornamental cherry tree; Trevor has planted it near the stump of the old tree between the corner of Parklands and Laburnum Cottage. Trevor also cleared the mud and debris from the pavement along Station Road. Thanks Trevor.
Parish Resilience – The plan is almost complete, and several volunteers have already provided contact details. If anyone else wishes to participate in the plan, please supply contact details so we can include you in the call out system. We are only including those who have given us their details; we are not assuming willing participants.
Ham Hall Lane – We are led to believe that work is still ongoing to identify the cause of the flooding. When we get any more news we will let everyone know.
Vacancies – SPC have two vacancies for Councillors and a vacancy for a Parish Clerk; we really need these filling. We can co-opt Councillors as the next elections are not due until 2027. The Parish Clerk is a paid position and is fundamental to running the Council. Age is no barrier to filling these positions, if you think you can help make Scruton a better place to live. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we need your help.