From the Parish Council – January 2024
Resilience Plan – North Yorkshire Council are auditing, revising and creating new emergency & contingency plans and as such, Scruton Parish Council are required to prepare Community Resilience plans to be the initial actions until such times that the NYC plans can take over. At the next parish council meeting, NYC Emergency Planning Officer is giving a presentation on this matter and will review the progress on our draft plans. We hope you can attend the presentation.
At present we are preparing plans to cater for such events that may isolate the village such as: massive snow dump closing all routes in and out of the village; storm force winds bringing down numerous trees and cutting off the village; severe flooding; and prolonged power cuts. If you would like to help in the initial actions of returning things back to normal or with the planning, please let the Parish Clerk know.
Hopefully, we will never need to activate these plans, but we must be prepared. Any contact details will be stored securely and will be owned by NYC. At present all plans are in draft form and will not be enacted until all participants have agreed them. Any agreement to help is voluntary and not binding. These plans are envisaged as the initial self-help actions in the village until help from NYC can be provided.
Happy New Year – SPC would like to thank all those who have helped us in the past year and to wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.