From the Parish Council – June 2023
SPC Vacancy – We are looking to co-opt a new Parish Councillor following a recent resignation. If interested, please write to the Parish Clerk. At present we have had one expression of interest.
Coronation – The new entrance to the Playing Field requires a replacement notice board and the Playing Fields and Cricket Club have asked SPC to help with the cost. The new notice board will commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III. This will be discussed at the next PC meeting along with other commemorative suggestions.
If any young person under 16 living in the village has not yet received their free Coronation Mug, can they please contact the Parish Clerk to arrange collection. There may be some mugs left over for sale, in which case they will be advertised for anyone to purchase.
Scams – Following the presentation on scams by the Trading Standards Officer at the last PC meeting, Janet Crampton has set up a neighbourhood alert group on WhatsApp. Anyone wishing to be included in the alert group should contact Janet.
Volunteers Required – It has been suggested that the edges to the Snickets require tidying up; if there are any willing volunteers with some spare time a work party could be arranged.