Parish Council News – December 2023
Village Green – We thank Kevin Proctor for clearing the leaves from the green prior to the Remembrance Service.
Common Lane – We received numerous complaints over the state of Common Lane and of the speed of some of the tractors during and after recent access to the fields. As a consequence, I met with the Farmer concerned and we agreed a way forward to prevent a similar occurrence in future.
Dog Mess (again!) – We have also received several complaints about increased dog fouling in the village, so we have invited the Dog Warden to increase the number of visits to Scruton. If you are a dog owner please clean up after your dogs, thank you.
Defibrillator – We have an offer of a donation towards the procurement of a second defibrillator, to be sited near the end of Common Lane. We are exploring a possible grant, and any other offers of donations would be appreciated.
Parish Precept – After considering the coming year’s expenses, SPC have decided to increase the precept by 6.66%, which equates to an increase of £2 per household per year.
Silver Street – The repairs to the sink hole on the corner of Silver Street have been suspended until the water table level drops enough for work to recommence. We have written to Highways asking for a resolution to the flooding in Ham Hall Lane.