St Radegund open for Private Prayer
To arrange access for private prayer please contact John Mainwaring-Taylor (tel. 748 617) to agree a convenient time. You will be welcome to enter the church at the pre-arranged time but you must maintain social distancing and follow strict hygiene rules. You will be asked to sign-in (using your own pen) on entering the church.
Please continue to look after each other, follow the official guidance and remain at home as much as possible in order to protect the vulnerable in our community. If you, or anyone you know, needs assistance, please contact Revd Jenni Lane on tel: 01609 631 122, or email:
Our worship of God and our care
for each other continues – You are welcome to receive a copy of our weekly Service by email or to join our 10.00 am Sunday ‘Zoom’ Service. Please contact our Lay Minister, Paul Chubb, to receive these, email: