Harvest Supper 2022
Scruton’s Harvest Supper will be on Friday 14th October at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Tickets £10 each to include a buffet supper and a glass of wine, available from Josie Exelby, The Manor House, Scruton, tel: 01609 748 270 or email: jo.xlb@Hotmail.co.uk
Harvest Festival – This year’s Harvest Festival will be at 9:30 pm on 16 October at St. Radegund’s Church.
Hambleton Foodshare – The Church is asking for donations for the Hambleton Foodshare. Suitable items include: tinned goods, jars and packets of food, UHT milk and squash. Also items such as toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. For the latest details go to www.hambletonfoodshare.org.uk
All donations please to John Mainwaring-Taylor at The Green, from 4 – 16 Oct. If no answer, please leave in front porch.