Mowbray House arrangements
We hope you are all managing okay in what are extraordinary times.
COVID-19 has required the practice to process unprecedented change within a very tight time frame. We’re conscious that a lot of what we have had to undertake would have ordinarily taken a great deal of planning, preparation and consultation with you before it was rolled out but we have had to act quickly. Therefore we wanted to take the opportunity to send an email with some of the changes we have implemented:
1. The practice has adopted a ‘total triage’ model meaning that all patients requesting a GP appointment are offered a telephone appointment with a GP or Nurse Practitioner. From here the clinician chooses the best course of action; telephone advice, video consultation or if clinically necessary a face to face review.
2. As we have had to suspend our online appointment booking service, next week we will be promoting an ‘E-Consultation’ service via our website allowing patients to submit a consultation online for a clinical or administrative reply as appropriate
3. Next week we will launch the a Facebook page serving the patients of MHS and HR. We feel this is key in getting out, in real time, pertinent information to a great many people as well as helping advertise the fantastic community support that is available for our patients.
4. Delivery service –we are liaising with volunteer organisations and individuals at both of our sites to help us ensure we are able to delivery medications to our patients most at risk.
5. We are also mobilising our nursing team to do home visits on patients who are shielded following government advice and are not able to attend the surgery.
Whilst we cannot meet face to face please feel free to let us know any of your suggestions for how we could promote/inform patients better about these changes to our current services.
Stay safe.
Ellie Rowlands
Deputy Practice Manager
Mowbray House Surgery
Malpas Road, Northallerton,
North Yorkshire, DL7 8FW
Telephone: 01609 760002 Fax: 01609 778029