Solar Array Approved

solar panels with sheep

The outcome of Lightrock’s appeal against HDC’s refusal for a Solar Array was published on 27 June. The scheme will now go ahead, subject to conditions. Decision – The main issue in the appeal was the effect of the development on, and potential loss of, agricultural land. Whilst recognising that land classification is a matter…

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Solar Farm Update

Lightrock Power

Lightrock and Bluefield would like to reiterate our thanks to everyone in the community for the insight and input in helping to shape the solar farm proposals.

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Solar Farm Update – May 2021

Lightrock Power

Lightrock and Bluefield – offer their thanks for the extensive feedback and helpful discussion with the community over recent months, which has helped to shape the project that is now being fine-tuned for submission in May.

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Solar Farm Questionnaire

solar panels with sheep

Scruton Parish Council thanks all parishioners who completed the questionnaire. A total of 190 forms were distributed, of which 107 were returned by the deadline.

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Scruton Solar Farm

solar panels with sheep

Lightrock Power – are proposing to develop a solar farm on 150 acres of land between Leeming Bar and Scruton. Originally called ‘Leeming Bar Solar Farm’, the development is now to be named ‘Scruton Solar Farm’, as a result of early public feedback.

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Farming News – February 2021


The phone call came out of the blue. Was I interested in renting out some land for a solar farm? This was pushing at an open door with me because I have heated our house for the last 30 years with logs gathered from our own woodland and have always tried to find the most environmental route to follow.

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