Vote For Scruton! Wonderful Village Photo
The Coore Memorial Hall committee have entered the picture shown below into Allied Westminster’s “Wonderful Village” competition. The theme of the competition is Village Life – a photo which characterises the value of community in your village. The competition aims to celebrate village life and especially the contribution that village halls and people doing things make to the sense of community.
You can vote online at
Click on the link to the ‘Wonderful Villages’ competition and follow the instructions for voting. Be sure to select Scruton’s picture from the gallery (you may need to scroll through several pages), click on our photo to select it and then click on the VOTE button. Multiple votes by one person for the same picture will not be counted so please pass this request onto as many different friends and family as possible! If we are lucky, the village hall could win up to £1,500 (100% of any winnings will go to the Coore Memorial Hall).